The Battle of Leyte Gulf has no counterpart. Taking place over three days in October 1944, it saw two American fleets pitted against all the remaining strength of the Imperial Japanese Navy in the largest naval battle, not only of World War Il, but in history.
So much of the accepted wisdom concerning the battle has developed from the many myths that surround it. In this insightful study, Pacific War expert Mark E. Stille brings fresh analysis to key aspects of the engagement, dismantling misconceptions around the actions and performances of its two most important commanders - Halsey and Kurita - and reappraising the "lost victory" of the Japanese advance into Leyte Gulf that never happened.
Mark E. Stille, 2023
ISBN: PB 9781472851765
Plate section images are from Naval History and Heritage Command.
Maps by Bounford
Index by Angela Hall
Typeset by Deanta Global Publishing Services, Chennai, India
Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI (Group) UK Ltd, Croydon CRo 4YY
6” X 9” X 1”
320 pages
40 B/W photos
MPS Macmillan Publishers provided this item for review.